50 Days of Unleashing HOPE
You'll Never Be the Same.
A 7-Week Spiritual Growth Campaign Designed to Raise the Hope Quotient of Everyone
Weekly Media
A Special Message from
Pastor Ray
Week 1 Recharge Your Batteries
No one does well when running on empty. This week is about building your relationship with God to levels of strength you may have never experienced before.
Week 2 Raise Your Expectations
In life, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you expect. This week is about how to get liberated from fear by living by faith. When’s the last time you had a God-sized vision for your life?
Week 3 Refocus on the Future
Nobody goes forward well when they’re looking back. This week is about how to finally let go of the past and catch a fresh vision from God for your future.
Week 4 Play to Your Strengths
Congratulations. You and every other Christian are highly gifted by God. The problem is, no one knows it. This week is about how to discover, develop and deploy your God-given gifts.
Week 5 Refuse to Go It Alone
The Lone Ranger made a great television series, but it’s a lousy way to live. This week is about how to help everyone in your church get connected. Special note to pastors: This is designed to help your church become a “sticky church” where people come and actually stay.
Week 6 Replace Burnout with Balance
The least obeyed verse in the Bible is Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God.” This week is about how to help the people in your church get off the treadmill and focus on the things that matter most. No one who is stressed and overwhelmed has hope.
Week 7 Play Great Defense
When discouragement, bitterness, resentment and anxiety enter, hope exits every time. This chapter is designed to help everyone in your church let go of the things that are wrecking their inner life and destroying their relationships.